I found this company online and designed myself a super awesome hoodie. They did a pretty good job with the printing, but I found this company that does it cheaper. The only issue is that they are in the states. I hate paying duty, so I might just stick with the first company that is based in Montreal.
This hoodie has my name on the sleeve, I think from now ond I'm only going to wear clothing with my name on it. I'll be a walking commercial for myself. Don't pretend you don't think that's a fantastic idea!
Proof of Life: 55
5 days ago
Rob is already on the site.
guess who's eating marble slab? :)
coconut icecream with coconut and fresh pineapples!
NO!!!! THEY HAD COCONUT ICECREAM!!! I am going to cry! :(
Well you see, I went to the awesome one downtown that ALWAYS has coconut :)
Very cute. There is also cafepress.com. That is where I got all of the bad t-shirts for Hunter!
Did you design the "i shoot people" part yourself, because I couldn't find it anywhere on the site. Because, seriously, I wouldn't mind a t-shirt like that. It's seriously cool.
Yes I LOVE cafepress! But find they aren't as good for t-shirts, they don't have as many colours to choose from.
I did the graphic myself. I designed the camera in photoshop, and then used Wordans text application to type out the "I shoot people". I also have my name on the sleeve, and "photographer" on the back. Wordans does have some images, but no camera. You can download a graphic off the web and then upload the image onto wordans to customize exactly what you want.
It's a pretty neat site! I already have more shirts coming.
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