Even "someone" wanted to be inside! The winds were just too hard core for him! Inside, bored he shredded every piece of cardboard he came across! Here I am trying to confiscate a FEDEX box that he had found. What a baby!

Here is the baby expressing his displeasure of the weather conditions and then his happiness when I let him inside.

I did go out to get a few pictures (including my flip flops in the snow just for Tina! Is it the exposure of toes that you don't like?). Here I am braving the blasting winds, I can't even keep my eyes open for the 1/200th of second it took to take this picture!

Here is poor Norman demonstrating what happens when Jen gets stuck inside for too long. Don't worry he forgave me. I was only doing a little preparation work for his Halloween costume...just kidding I don't think he will want to be there, even if the candy was made of Tuna.

holy crap! I cant believe you got that on Norman! He looks displeased! and cute and a button!
That cat costume is hilarious! I can't believe you're getting that kind of weather already. We have snow here now and Colby went to school today in snowpants! No wind though thankfully, not yet anyways. And, it's not the exposed toes that drive me, it's the sound they make when you walk in them.. the flip-flop. It drives me batty! LOL
Norman you had better start your own escape tunnel in your litter box. It is only October and she has already started to dress you up! Who knows what she will do to you come January!
Tweak and Freak in Kugluktuk
ps. we aren't so good on the puter, we had to erase our last comment
And of course I absolutely love Normans outfit! Now that I have a baby the kitties are getting a reprieve as I dress Hunter up instead.
High of 26 today in sunny tropical Ottawa. :-)
Damn... finally changed my display name from "Offsite"
i fogot to tell you earlier its 29 here in London! It hotter and more humid than my wedding day in June!
I sent your package! minus a few things, It was getting reather large.. well.. and I fogot to put things in there too. DAMMIT! I hope its gets there before Hallowe'en
Norman does not look happy. But he does look manly, in a feline kind of way.
I love shutteryfly!
I totally ordered 3 books today for xmas presents! it was buy 1 get the others 50% off!
Hi Jen: I got such a laugh over Norm in his mountie costume. I keep coming in to see him in it. I love your writing keep it up.
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