Yesterday I attended a craft sale, set up a table and sold some of my photo cards. That was the first time I have ever done that and was surprised to see how good the reaction was from the shoppers! Of course I couldn't save any of that money that I made, but instead spent it on these amazing ivory earrings. I think they are supposed to be char, fish of some kind at least, obviously. Norman can tell because he has taken a special liking to them, batting them off the kitchen table a couple of time, I finally had to lock them up! I absolutely adore them and couldn't bare the thought that they would get trashed the first day I had them!

Here is a sample of one of the photo cards I sold.

Thanksgiving weekend activities for the kids included racing around on a half frozen pond. I kept hearing a high pitched twang and realized that it was the ice cracking. It was harder in parts, but some parts of the pond were moving in wave like motion. I was a little worried, but it's not too deep and no one has fallen in ....yet. Here is a boy practicing his harpooning skills for when he is all grown up.
Do you print the cards yourself or have them printed? I have been searching for a way to do the same thing here with some of the local pictures I have taken but at this point haven't really found a way to do it. Love the picture of the little boy.
Oh, and LOVE the earrings! There's nothing like that around here.
I am an earring-a-holic! I must have about 20 pairs of northern earrings.
The photographs are beautiful. You should sell your cards online! Christmas is coming, so I bet people would love them.
I just use an HP printer and print images on Photo paper, then double side tape them onto card stock, add an envelope and VOLA. :)
I am obsessed with the northern earrings! What styles do they do that side of Nunavut? Here it's mostly ivory, some metal!
Thanks! I wish I could sell them online, but I am a website idiot, I work best with pre-set up pages like Blogger.
Rob says where he was once impressed he is no longer. That's too easy! LOL. I'm trying to find a place online to make post cards to try to sell in the store, seeing that the Northern doesn't carry post cards. I thought it would be cool to carry post cards of the town, but I haven't had much luck so far.
Oh, and to both you and Kara - I'm soo jealous! There's no art like that around here. I would LOVE to have a set of earrings or a ring.
Go here to make Postcards of your own, it's awesome, I have made some and sold them! Good shipping too.
Okay, I think I will have to do a post here soon about all of my pairs of earrings to show off what the make up here!!
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