A young man investigates his sister's death in a mysterious castle. Cast: Vincent Price, Barbara Steele, John Kerr.
What says Halloween more then Vincent Price acting in a Movie based
off of an Edgar Allen Poe Story? The acting wasn't too bad and the effects were as good as you can expect from a 1960's movie. Nothing puts me into the Halloween spirit more then Vincent Price going insane!

War Of The Worlds, The (1953)
A scientist on vacation stumbles upon a Martian invasion. Cast: Gene Barry, Ann Robinson, Les Tremayne.
Super Cheesy special effects and bad acting make this a must see!

Murder follows an axe murderer home when she's released from a mental hospital. Cast: Joan Crawford, Diane Baker, George Kennedy.
This Movie was totally cheesy, but that's why it is totally amazing! And there is a little twist at the end.
i saw the war of the worlds when i was really little, it scared the crap out of me! lol i should watch it again for a laugh. those damn ships with their laser beam eyes got me evey time :p
I'll be looking for those movies. How do you make the tiled picture?? What software do you use? I have enough pictures to try and make a post card. If you are on MSN if you would add me I would appreciate it. we can be found at daddy_2b at hotmail dot com for our MSN.
not commenting about the movies, but holy jeez, that side avatar pic of you is scary! i should not check your blog on halloween or it will haunt me. i am a coward when it comes to ghosts and goblins!
Thanks, I was going for super creepy! Can you tell I am obsessed with Halloween?!
WOTW is super CHEESE, so check it out!
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