And the FiVE LiTTLE PUMPKiN'S rolled out of SiGHT...
It's almost Halloween and I am ridiculously excited! My Halloween costume came in the mail the other day, I am going to be the Wicked Witch Of The West (slash North)! It was slightly too small but I am managed to SQUEEZE into it, although to play it safe I will be going on a little diet to make sure that all goes to plan on ALL HALLOWS EVE!
Anyways as I sit here and write this, the wind is hallowing outside, illegally making entrance into my home, through cracks in the windows, rattling doors and making terrible screaming noises! It's starting to freak me out, that should be appropriate considering the time of year, but I am especially freaked this time because I am all by myself! That's right my comfort and security has left me to do relief for another detachment in another community. FOR A WEEK! Rattling noises and shaking doors are an especially bad thing when you are over tired from Insomnia too (I have been working a few nights and my sleep schedule is all wacky)! It's at this time that I am giving thanks to my large, protective Malamute and my sympathetic, cuddly kitty! It will be alright as long as I don't hear them answer me back when I talk to them. "Res, I wRould enRoy Rat cRookie! I WRUV ROO!"
I am going to hate every second that Nathan is gone! But I know that this little time apart will only be a reminder of how much he means to me. I think that sometimes it's easier to take something for granted when it's always around. While he is gone I am going to be reminded every second why he is wonderful and I keep him around. I hope that for all the pain I go through this week, that at the end, it adds up in appreciation and I know I will be counting the seconds until he is back. I am a big girl and can take care of myself no problem, it's just miserable being without your best friend...without getting SAPPY... "DUDE I TOTALLY MISS YOU"!
Proof of Life: 55
2 months ago
I hate being by myself as well! Matt has to go in a lot at night, but I am lucky that he doesn't have to travel with his job.
We have the wind here too. We just plastic'd the windows and really helps keep the wind out. It still comes in through the dryer and the vent above the stove. Brrrr! I was very happy to sit inside this morning and watch my husband walk to work! Hurray for mat. leave! Where do you work?
Rob has had a couple nights on the road here already covering for other managers. I don't seem to sleep as well when he's not home. It's not windy at all here yet, actually yesterday was +10! I was wondering the same thing as Kara, where do you work? We should start a betting pool.
My guess: You work as a "disguise the white poop as something else like a dog bowl with a bone but people are going to catch on it's really white dog poop" t-shirts.
Oohhhh good guess Tina! Okay- I am in. My official guess is her and Norman are undercover agents who post secret messages through pictures on the blog.
That's why she's an ace with firearms. Undercover agents always have skills with firearms. And that's why she has so many different hairstyles. To keep people guessing. Right? sista!!!! I wish I was there with you right now. We'd have a freakin' blast! I miss miss you woman...see you soon.
Love J
OMG, you all crack me up! I have been working at a few different places around town (no I am no a transient, but rather have had a few just short contract jobs). Before I came up here I had the same job for 6 years and since I have been up here I have had like 5 different jobs, I can't imagine the t-4 situation this year! Most recently I have been doing a few nights guarding (at Nathans work, I am sure you all know what I am talking about). Thanks for your interest and guessing, it has put a smile on my face!
Well that wasn't half as exciting as our guesses. So I shall choose to believe that you are undercover and can't tell us in fear of your life.
BTW, how much longer are you going to torture me with the flipflop? :)
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