A big breakfast, a family activity and then the main event; dinner! Nathan, myself, Tallinn, Christina and Ainsley spent the afternoon on the beach. Christina made the dinner part and all I had to do was bring some bread, boy was that a breeze!

The seaweed forecast for today: Thick and squishy!

What amazing fashion sense this man has! The dog leash belt....HOT and dangerous all at the same time!

This was fantastic! I love food! Yey, the elliptical trainer is coming soon!

This is the first pic I've seen of your hubby. LOVE the dog leash belt! Very sexy! Grrr!
I am with Tina- the dog belt is a very sexy choice in accessories!
real or stovetop? mmmmmmmmmmmm
Hi Jen,
That looks like a tasty dinner!
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pardon my intrusion, I hope you are well.
thank you.
Nathan should start his own clothing line...Hobo "chic".
REAL BABY! Christina has this spice stuff called epicure, she used that and some other ingredients, it was ridiculous! If you are interested I can send you a catalog!
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