The beginning of the evening started out great
Super at my house, but it was over by eight
Into my PJs and sprawled on the couch
I started to grumble and feel like a grouch
The clock was twelve and fireworks began
Threw on my house coat, to the window I ran
Grabbed my tripod, my camera, put the cat away
Because out an open window Norman would stray
Too much force from the wind blew the window open
Away from my hands, and now it is broken
The parade started on the ice, of snowmobiles in motion
To capture this moment forever I had no notion
Too dark, too windy, focus was my trouble
Hair in my eyes made my agitation double
This wasn't the last of my problems, I did learn
I came away from the window, my skin did burn
My hands and right ear frost bitten, sore and hot
In the end an essential lesson I was taught

HAPPY NEW YEARS Y'ALL, and if you plan on joining in on festivities wear the appropriate clothing for arctic temperatures, even if you are just standing at an open window.