Here is what I bought and Nathan can't complain because the money was all funded by my photography skills.
The most comfortable pair of mitts. I like the way they sew them up here because they take into account the natural curve of your fingers.

Ulu earrings, hand made....oh how beautiful. Made by the same artist that did my fish earrings. (*note to photographers, shooting jewelry on top of your MacBook is pretty stylish because it's such a reflective surface)

Here are a few examples of the cards I sold today. The first one of town that sold out and the second I did of a northern style Christmas card with Kamiks hanging on the tree.

The cards are wonderful. Please (snivel, snivel) send me a dozen COD or I can send cold hard (well limp, much used and wrinkly actually) cash.
The mitts are gorgeous. Lau's??
You called it, they are lau's! Will talk to you on facebook about the cards!
I'm beyond jealous. What color do you turn when you've gone beyond green with jealousy???? The pictures look amazing. You've inspired Rob and I to do the same thing and try to make a little money so I can send it to you for the next craft fair so you can buy me some earrings! :) We get posted in May to our new store. I wonder how happy the manager of the Northern is there? *evil grin*
i like the little tree booties! :)
Seasons Greetings, eh? How about "Merry Christmas*"
* (Disclaimer: Christmas in this context refers to the statutory holiday and does not necessarily include the religious holiday that shares its name)
Give me a break...
Are you telling me that 'seasons greetings' is unexceptionable? Then you are essentially just as bad as those who have a problem with Merry Christmas. If you are offended by seasons greetings, then maybe you should take a look at your argument.
Happy Holidays!!!!!!!
i love you!
ps.. this might be helpful in your card making. i love this page yay!
Wonderful pictures Jen, and your Raven photo is up at 10000 Birds.
Give ME a break...
I was just thinking about it the other day was all... how people say it to avoid saying M.C., but technically M.C. shouldn't be exclusionary since we all get the day off... except for Police officers...
make that 2 votes for
Saw your raven picture on 10,000 Ravens. It looks amazing in the article!
do you have guitar hero for xbox? cause if you don't you need to get it..
Hi Jen: I love your Christmas card, the colors are beautiful. You should send it to Hallmark. I just want to wish you and Nathan a Merry Christmas, also to Tallinn & Norm.
I was just wondering about getting some cards. Let me know if you can.
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