Well if it's not Christmas today, I don't know when it should be. Did we ever get a a wack load of boxes in the mail all at once today! I even got my passport, so it especially feels like Christmas because Nathan has been saying that if it didn't come, he would still go on the honey moon (we haven't gone on one yet) in February to Hawaii without me. He said that he would take his dad and that I would have a fabulous time hanging out for the week with his mom, which I am sure I would, but I was worried I was going to miss my own honey moon!
Nathan's Mom sent up a box of Christmas presents and a few other goodies ( I hope we were allowed to dive into these ones they weren't wrapped, and well it's really too late anyways, I have just about inhaled those mini eggs, you really know me too well!)

Along with the goodies above, Nathan's mom sent our Christmas presents wrapped, some for Nathan, and apparently as he puts it too many for me, but also some for the pets. We already have our tree up and Nathan delicately placed each wrapped parcel under the tree, and all I could think about was "Nathan won't the pets unwrap their own gifts?" Nathan just replied with is usual you worry to much. Well sure enough not 10 minutes after we put those gifts under the tree, I hear extreme rustling going on down there. Apparently one of the pet gifts was cat nip. You can see below what he did to his present. What a stinker. So that got removed and put in a drawer somewhere out of his reach, and while I was doing that, more rustling....but his time it was the dog. HAHA Nathan, I called it, our furry mammals can not control themselves.

This wonderful selection came via the south from my wonderful previous boss, Alec. I had helped him with some digital work recently and asked to be payed with cookies. But this was above and beyond...Thank you so much! It really does make my day, week, month getting things in the mail, especially because all the Oreos in my community expired in 2004. You can see that Nathan could hardly contain himself and busted into the Toblerone before I could even take a photo!