For those of you that don't know, that's a classic line from a movie called "Tremors". A fantastic epic of my time that tells a story of large, worm creatures that live in the ground. And of course eat people and cause a lot of destruction through out the movie. The main character of the movie, Keven Bacon finds himself and his partner Earl (Fred Ward) stuck in a sleepy American desert town, trying to out smart these creatures. Of course living up to true American culture, two supporting characters are played up as a gun crazy couple. At one point in the movie one of these creatures travels through the ground and cracks right through the wall of their basement rec-room, the same room that displays every gun this couple owns. The scene changes to across town where the Keven Bacon character can hear the ring of many distant shots firing. The couple end up using every gun they own (pre-loaded might I add) to kill the beast. The last shot is fired from a Huge Elephant rifle and then the husband stops and says: "Broke into the wrong God Damn rec room, didn't you, you BASTARD!"
This is relevant to my life. Some how my husband and I are turning into the gun crazy couple. We just bought a rifle and it's on it's way up. And now there is talk of others. My husbands eyes widen as we talk of the possibilities, shot guns, air rifles, muzzle loaders (whatever that is), cross bows and of course now that I brought up the fact that we are turning into the "Tremors" couple, he has peeked at a few elephant guns. " Are we going to display them on the wall too, honey," I ask him? Oh and they aren't for hunting, he isn't really into that. I think he is just living out every boys dream to shoot inanimate objects. I think for now we are just going to start with the rifle, even though he thinks that I need to have a gun for me as well, I disagree. One is enough. I do not want to be a stereo type from a movie, and especially not one played by Reba McEntire!