Always Fresh, Always Tim Hortons. Even if it did take 2 plane rides and 8 hours to get here. I ate two promptly and then felt sick.

Jen (my sista' in law) arrived without any fog problems and we have been having a blast. I haven't been feeling too well so we have been spending a lot of time lounging on the couch and laughing about sisterly things.
What she didn't buy a 12 pack like Jeremy did for you???? That was a yummy car ride! And also why I am now dieting again. lol
I don't see any blueberry fritters in there! That's one of the first things I'm buying back in Halifax in 2 weeks and 5 days. :)
Man I could kill for a doughnut at the moment!
mmmm I am with Darcy... Now I really want a doughnut!
I'm gonna be eating them in 16 days! Na na na nana!
porkin' the done's =)
Getting sick off them reminds me of my first year up here. I literally made a bee line to the nearest Timmies, conveniently located in the T.O. airport terminal back in the day, when I got home. One extra large triple, triple and two double chocolate donuts were the only thing in this wide world that could stop me from making a direct run home to Niagara! Now, I just order the coffee and cream up here myself through Centrale ;-) I make my won donuts once in a while... for the kids...ya, that's it. they're for the kids:-)
er, um, that should be own not won. damned cixelsyd, er, um, dyslexic fingers.
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