Well it's been just over a week....and I still can't believe I'm responsible for a little person. As you can imagine I haven't had much sleep and although she is just one tiny jelly bean, she has occupied most of my waking hours, which has been pretty much most of the 24 out of a day.
I was still not experiencing any real contractions when we finally arrived at the hospital. We got checked in and you can imagine how busy it was at 5am on Christmas Eve... I felt like we were in some resident Evil video game, no one around and your just waiting for zombies to come out of the rooms and start chasing you. Of course because I wasn't experiencing any kind of discomfort the nurses had us walk around the halls... the empty halls, the ones with possible zombies, to see if that would bring on some contractions. Since that didn't happen and the zombies kept to themselves we took entertainment from an abandoned wheel chair. My sister-in-law Jen raced down the hallway to see how fast she could go, then Nathan and of course then I had to try as well. When we finally got into the delivery room the nurse said I was too jolly to be in labor. Clearly I was having WAY too much of a good time, so they put me on Oxytocin, allowing me to have more consistent and real contractions. At this point I was on my way into a world of pain. A world that I would be rescued from by Captain Epidural.

I had waited a while to see how bad the contractions actually were and finally decided after Nathan was trying to use tickling as pain control that I finally was ready for the Epidural. I recommend it for anyone who is interested. I had a fantastic experience. I was so pain free and in such a calm state that we all stopped to watch Extreme House Makeover in between pushing when it was finally time. Here I am after the epidural, and boy did it feel good.

The whole thing from start to finish took about 12 hours and it felt like it just flew by. I didn't think I'd actually want to see it happening, but finally broke down and asked for a mirror and watched the entire thing, it was incredible (especially because I couldn't feel a thing). It's not anything I could possibly describe... I was one person before and a completely different person the moment the kid popped out.

I have never felt such passionate emotion and love for one tiny little thing. Of course I've spent the last week completely jacked on hormones and can start balling at the drop of a hat. I'm freaked out about everything, is she too hot, too cold, what are the spots on her face, is she eating enough? I have also never felt so content.
Introducing Ezri Eve .E.
Triple E
E Cubed
Tallinn's Sister
We settled on the middle name Eve because she was born on Christmas Eve. It was my sister Jen's suggestion and it jived well, especially because we pretty much didn't have a name up until the point I was in the middle of labor.