We've been back up north for just under a week and things have been very hectic as we had our entire sealift waiting inside the house ready to be unpacked. We also had to wait a few days for the rest of our luggage to show up because we had two excess pieces and nameless airline was apparently full of crap (in many ways). This is the time of year when everyone is moving up north. The airline rep even asked us if we were moving. I'm like sure with 4 suite cases, a gun and a pack & play, that's all we need to start a new life in the north. Little did she know that when we did move up we had TWENTY excess pieces! Plus some other junk we had sent up later. 4 pieces of luggage can barely fit my personal clothing, let alone Nathans.
Everyone on this day flying with nameless airline, was traveling with oversized luggage, so there was a massive line up that threatened tardiness. We have to stop by oversized because we travel with the dog and they have to swab the cage for all those explosives that Tallinn likes to carry around. My complaint, is it necessary for everyone traveling north to have to pack with Rubber Maid? Especially when your stuff is in a small container, why not save yourself the trouble of waiting in another line and shove that jazz into a suite case so the air line doesn't send you to the oversized line? I guess it's the only way northerners like to travel. I prefer personally to use a suite case, it gets the job done and I don't have to unravel 10 thousand metres of tape if I need in.
I guess waiting in an extra line doesn't matter anyways in future, because Nathan and I vow to show up at the airport 10 hours earlier when we start traveling with the baby. The whole idea of traveling with the dog, dog kennel, 4 suite cases, stroller, car seat, baby, carry-ons gives me a little seizure every time I think about it. Usually Nathan is dragging a cart, pushing one, and I have the dog and am also pushing a cart. How exactly do we add the baby to all that?
It's nice to be back home and even nicer we made it in one day. We must have hit the lottery this time, a lot of flights have recently been canceled because of fog. The weather here is fairly chilly, and it threatens to snow soon. I'm very happy I went ahead and bought myself a cost-co winter jacket that is belly friendly, I even wore it last night. Then I bent over and tore the zipper. I'm growing by the minute.
Proof of Life: 55
2 months ago