It's about time I updated this thing. Frankly I'm getting nauseous every time I'm loading my blog and seeing the previous post with the greasy army ration photos. Well I'm actually getting nauseous a lot these days as I find myself pregnant again. Yes, already. It wasn't planned, but we do want two and why not have them both experiance a part of Nunavut, even if baby two is only going to experiance it in my tummy. So here I have been suffering again, almost like a 3 month hangover. Lets just say it's been hard, especially along side having an 8 month old crawling around and putting her hands into everything. I've got two more weeks until I hit the second trimester and I'm counting down the seconds. This is the time I started feeling more like myself with the previous pregnancy.
Meanwhile I've at least been out taking photos. We've just started getting night again and I took the opportunity the last few nights to go out scouting for the northern lights. We've had really clear nights and peaceful weather, the perfect recipe for shooting some photos.

Last night I took
Morena out along with me, we had a great time. And yes we are wearing Parkas. I guess we both figured we'd be out for a long time and you always dress warmly when you live in Nunavut. Meanwhile, it was so beautiful, that we were unzipping and taking off our Parkas. It does add a more authentic look however along with the northern lights in the background. Morena made her own parka last year, we both started one at the same time. She finished hers in about 10 seconds and I've been struggling with mine all year, it's just almost done. If it wasn't for
Meaghan, it would never get finished. That piece
of crap I'm giving to my wonderful sister in law Jen, and then had Meaghan make a good parka for me. Actually the parka I helped to make isn't too bad at all because Meaghan helped me through the whole thing, Jen is going to love it. I will post up photos soon.

I just wanted an excuse to wear my hot new parka before moving back south, where I will have to wait until NEXT winter because I will be too fat with baby number two to wear this beautiful piece of artwork.