We got out on the land snowmobiling yesterday and this time we took out Nathan's snowboard. This is something he has been meaning to try for sometime now. The idea was that I would drive him up the hill on my machine and then he would snowboard down and we would continue this cycle for maximum fun. I however was not going to board. I can not and will not. I like my legs in one piece, in fact I like my entire body that way.
We finally came across an acceptable hill and realize it's just too steep to mobile up. Nathan decided to park his snowmobile half way up and then crawl up the rest of the way. It seemed like an eternity passed as I watched him wade through waste deep snow and then use his board to climb up the rest of the way.

When he got to the top, we proceeded to try and have a muffled conversation about which way he should head down to avoid the mine field of rocks. It was a nerve racking moment while I finally communicated with hand gestures that he need to stay to his right so I could take him home in one piece. Why are men lunatics sometimes? And why do woman get to suffer watching them do insane things?

He finally took off over what seemed like a cliff of snow that was a straight drop. He kept it together for most of the way down and then...

Wiped out. But remember how hard it was to get up the hill because the snow was so loose and powdery?

Well he survived and got back up...

And went down the hill a little more.

At the end of Nathan's trip down the hill, my friend Morena and I drove up to Nathan's machine where we both promptly sunk our machines into the really deep loose snow. Getting them dug out was (insert bad word here) hard. We were wading through thigh deep snow, digging out our machines and doing it all wearing enough puffy clothing we'd put the stay puft marshmallow man to shame. It was -30C outside and I was still sweating.
This next photo might look like a crime scene, but really it's just Nathan taking a nap and Morena INGENIOUSLY rolling herself down the hill, saving herself the pain of wading through the snow. Its defeating walking a few steps and then sinking in to your hip.

In the end, we made it out. I hope if anything came of that little adventure, I might have burned a few postpartum calories!