Well, my inferior monkey species, the tide has turned and now I'm the one telling the story. While my Mommy is feeling under the weather, we can discuss more important issues such as licking, sniffing, chewing, climbing, howling and cat chasing. All important topics, but today I am going to marvel you with tales of WALKING! Or rather EXTREME iceberg hurtling.

First I needed Mommy to take me out to the park, where under rather uncomfortably hot weather conditions (10 degrees), the ice was breaking up and melting. This created a play zone for me to run, dash, hide and jump along the breaking ice. It almost gave Mommy a heart attack, but I paid no attention to her human screamings and continued on erratic sniffing and running.

I stopped momentarily for a refreshing beverage, even though the monkey's were yelling something about it being salty and that I should stop, I continued on.

Yes, I am the King. Thank you for noticing, however sometimes I feel unappreciated for my super Malamute walking skills. The monkeys didn't even notice how high I climbed or how far I ran. Even though they kept yelling out some word, I believe it was "Tallinn" and then followed by "Get your puppy butt back here", I had no idea what they were eluding to because I only respond to "Your Highness" or "The King".

I can't believe she wore those glasses, how embarrassing. I really had to be forced into this photo. I would have much rather been sniffing something, possibly that mystery item I found on the beach and that my mommy caught me eating, but not in time.

Life has been good recently, there has been lots of sunny days and a cool breeze. The ice is all gone and I can hear the ocean rushing up onto the beach. The monkeys are outside occasionally, but only when the weather is scorching. The other day they did the most distasteful thing and spent an hour brushing me. I was quite thrown off, but somehow everything seemed cooler and a little more tolerable once they took out all that extra hair. The monkey kept saying "it's like we took an entire dog out of you". Well that's just silly, stupid monkey, clearly I am only one dog.
Well I'm off to chase the cats and maybe sniff out the garbage can, sometimes they forget to put the lid back on and then I'm always in for a good treat.