Well we have all been talking about it for months; The White Stripes are to have a show in Iqaluit! I can tell you my respect for them jumped insanely just because they would travel hundreds of miles into the arctic to play a show. We all knew the band would loose money playing up here, rather then make it. Even though I didn't go to the show, I have been talking about it for months, to all my friends in the south and random people on the street; "arn't The White Stripes so amazing, promoting Nunavut, what incredible rock stars..." and so on! I even knew what day they were playing, yet even though I wasn't going to the show. This was the same day I was flying home from my vacation south, and was having the slightest hope that maybe I would catch a glimpse of them, even though I was only spending a few hours in the airport. Of course no chance, obviously one doesn't just see rock starts milling around airports. Meanwhile my parents were coming up from the south a few days travel behind me, for their first trip north. Their flying schedule worked out so that they would have to spend a night in Iqaluit and fly out the next morning. That afternoon after checking into the Frobisher, my mother noticed a white guitar laying against the wall in the lobby. Thoughts starting rolling through my mothers mind, the previous night before she was having dinner with my brother and he was telling her all about how this band was coming to play in the north just to see what it was like, then she remembered reading an article on the plane and seeing a picture of a white guitar in the magazine, things started to click together. She then made her way over to what looked like this bands roadie and asked him if he thought that she could get an autograph, he said it would be no problem. My mother then made her way over to two gentlemen sitting down in the lobby and asked "Now, which one of you is The White Stripe?" (I informed her after that she needed to make that plural; White Stipes, she is still calling them The White Stripe)
Jack White, a mega rock star, with amazing manners was then told by my mother that he was "just a fine young man," and wonderful for coming all this way up here to play a concert. She then had him autograph something for my brother and was off. I have recently been playing some of their music for her and she proclaims "I like them!"
Proof of Life: 55
2 months ago