Sunday, December 14, 2008

The four of us

These are my parents, Little Girl will be their first grandchild, so they are pretty excited. Arguably the most excited grandparents in history. I figure it's because this time around they are going to get all the fun and excitement of a child, minus all the poop and sass talk they got from their own kids...oh and I made sure they got their full dose of that while I was growing up. I'm in for some real karma pay back.There are only 3 weeks left until my little human addition will be here. Things are starting to become a little uncomfortable, but I still don't have too much to complain about. Everything seems to be pretty normal and on track, except that I don't feel terribly comfortable unless I'm in a completely straight position, bending in any way is hard work. Even sitting in a chair can be a challenge, depending on how the little pretzel inside of me is sitting. So that leaves standing and laying down. Standing is hard, my feet are swollen. Laying down also a challenge, I have horrendous pain if I lay on my back(which your not supposed to do anyways at this point) or side pain laying on my side. Yeah, of course it's all worth it, especially when I get to finally put her in those cup cake patterned, footsie pajamas I bought today. Yep, it's all worth it, until she learns how to back talk.

Meanwhile, I'm still down south patiently waiting for the day when Nathan is supposed to come down. My family has done a wonderful job of keeping me entertained and distracted, but I am still counting every second until he comes down. Mainly because I really need a good foot rub!


Julie said...

That has got to be the most adorable christmas photo ever! lol

Aleks said...

How much sass talk did they get from us really? Ok, sure you threw out dad's $500 cheque because you were in love with the garbage bin, but all in all we were good kids!

Anonymous said...

You're too cute!
And Ingrid is making it difficult for me to type because she is messing with the touch pad...

Anonymous said...

That is an awesome pic.

Anonymous said...

A very good friend of mine went into extreme detail of all that labour involved. I'm amazed I didn't hit the floor but I definitely have a new appreciation for the entire 9 month process.

All the best Jen!

Matt, Kara, Hunter and Cavan said...

That is an awesome picture!!

I understand about the pain. I had a lot of that too!

Unknown said...

I hear body pillows, those inner tubey things work for some ladies. and if you can handle hauling yourself off to a public place, the pool is a nice way to be able to float around and have some of the weight dispersed even for a short time.

three more weeks, wow!!

Anonymous said...

You look GREAT Jen. What a beautiful glow you have. Looking forward to seeing your human pretzel when she comes into the world. You are going to be a great mommy. Super happy for you and Nathan, I can see all the joy and excitement in your parents face.
Good Luck

Morena said...

Cute pic! Your mom can barely get her arms around you! And I like the jeans. I never did get any new clothes and it's too late now. The race is on, who's going first????

Aida said...

thats a cute pic!! 3 more weeks wow. sorry if i cant type. i am nak-ing=nursing at keyboard, ben's fav place to nurse..hmmm

Anonymous said...

Your parents are adorable! Great pic.

jen said...

Thanks everyone!

Darcy, The entire 9 months (that's acutally 10 weirdly enough) isn't too bad, just been the start and finish so far that's been a pain.

Indigo, I had one of those pillows back north, but didn't take it down with me and this is really when I need it most. Oh well only 2 & 1/2 weeks to go.

Morena, those Jeans are seriously my favorite ever! I don't think I'll be giving them up any time soon! I will try and not feel like any less of a person wearing them after maternity! lol I guess it won't matter wearing them up north anyways.