Well that was slightly unexpected.... What an incredible experience! Ezri arrived at 4:50 pm on Christmas Eve, weighing in at a hardy 8lbs 5oz. She decided to wait for her daddy to arrive, my water broke only 2 hours after Nathan arrived from Nunavut at 4am, Christmas Eve. She also decided it was a good time to come, in the middle of a huge snowstorm. My sister in law was the one taking me to the hospital and we couldn't even make it out the drive way there was so much snow. When she tried to open her door, it was stopped by the massive snow accumulation and she ended up first calling my brother in law on her cell phone "Yeah, we haven't even made it out of the driveway!", and then did some crazy acrobats, climbing out the car window! All I could think about was what a birth story this was going to make! After Nathan, my father-in-law and brother-in-law shoveled us out, we promptly got ourselves stuck again 5 ft back on the road. Luckily with the good excuse of labor, a neighbour nudged us out with his massive monster truck. This is all after we watched the plow drive down the road, with it's shovel high in the air...that didn't quite make any sense. I'm assuming the plow was just on an early morning joy ride? Here is Nathan trying to dig us out.
More photos & story to come...
Hurray!!! That is the start of quite the story. Congratulations on the arrival of your new little girl. Can't wait to see more pictures and hear the rest of the story.
Merry Christmas Ezri!
love Kara, Matt, Hunter and Skeletor
Yippee, congrats!! Glad you made it in time!
I can't wait to hear the end of the story! Such a great picture!
She's beautiful! Love that family photo! So glad to hear that things went well...can't wait for more pictures. What a great birth story for Ezri to have! Hugs to all.
Yahoo!! And yes, winter babies do always decide to make their appearance in a snow storm (so I've been told by many winter mommies). Congrats on the safe arrival of Ezri! Can't wait for the rest of the story and pictures!
HOORAY!! congrats! and here i was saying, hoping she will wait till 2009..lol beautiful pictures of the family, cant wait to hear the rest of the story.
merry christmas Ezri, you and Nathan!
We are so excited for you! Steve, as a lifelong Star Trek fan, approves of the new name.
Congratulations and Merry Christmas to the three of you.
I leave the computer for one hour to eat brunch (David made it), do dishes, sweep the floor (2 dogs came with Yancey), say good bye to one set of company and get ready for the next to arrive in two hours and look what happens....................after checking 37,000 times in the past 36 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats. Michele and I are very happy for you and can't wait to meet the new addition.
I new I had heard the that name before and couldn't place it until I read the comments. Thanks Steve and Megan. Geeks of the world unite.
Congrats to you both, she is beautiful!!! Glad to hear that Nathan made it in time, can't wait to see more pictures!!!
Congatulations! What a fantastic Christmas surprise! SO glad that Nathan was there with you!
CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS! She's beautiful! And what a beautiful family!
Can't wait to hear th rest of the story. I hope you are feeling as well as you can be after delivery. Congratulations again!!!
Can't wait to hear the rest of your story. I'm glad you made it to the hospital though!
Congratulations, beautiful baby, enjoy these early years these go so quickly, before you know it you are enjoying your grandchildren.
Merry Christmas and all the best in 2009!
David H.
Congratulations Jen and Nathan. Welcome to the world Ezri of Nunavut. I have a friend with the RCMP who has delivered two babies at the side of the road, and I'm almost embarrassed to say that it was on my list of things I wanted to do, although really I couldn't think of worse person to deliver a baby, than me.
This is great! So happy that you are all healthy and that Nathan made it down in time.
Beautiful photo! You all look wonderful and happy. Thank God for good neighbours.
I'm a bit late, but... congratulations!!!
What a great story you will get to tell....can't wait till we all get home. BABIES!! Shes beautiful and i can't wait to meet her!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! She's adorable!!
Congratulations Jen & Nathan! I am thrilled to hear that all went well and Nathan arrived safe and in time to be a part of the exciting time (snow storm adding to the details of the story for years to come...).
Great name. Looking forward to seeing all of you.
congrats on ze baby!
Now the real fun begins..
See you all back in Dorset at some time
As I write, I am listening to the hiccups of the little e-cubed peanut. Being Jen's Dad has never been so much fun.
Okay, she is a week old. You have dozens of doting aunts, in laws, out laws, uncles, grandparents, etc and a fully functioning set of milkers............more PICTURES please.
Indigo: Such pressure. We do have gazillions of pictures in the first week between us. But there is so much to choose from and the website mistress has been preoccupied, despite the outlaws etc., who are willing but not able to help in crucial ways.
Mostly the rest are only equipped to deal with minor calamities like Tallinn wolfing down unsupervised chocolate coins with the foil on.
Oh dear, no pressure, just excited I guess.
Tallin : technicolour poops!!
Congratulations, Jen and Nathan! Very nice photo.
:o) jenn
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