Ezri: "I really think the Blue Jays have been doing better this season. Their up 12-5 right now. I just really wish they hadn't gotten rid of Reed Johnson last year, I mean what were they thinking? Absolutely nuts!"
Ezri: "If B.J. Ryan doesn't blow it, and Halladay stays off the disabled list, they'll stand a good chance this year."
Ezri: "OMG, the bases are loaded and Vernon Wells is up. I tell you, the way they have been playing this season has had me hanging off the edge of my bumbo."
Ezri: "I see what your saying, Snider is doing alright out in left field."
Ezri: "Hey, hey, I don't like what your implying here. Sure, Snider is cute, but he'll never replace Reed Johnson, I mean COME ON!
Ezri: "OMG, what is he doing? RUN! RUN! FASTER!"
Ezri: "Perhaps I should take a short break in my swing, don't want my blood pressure to get out of control!"
OMG I nearly feel off my chair. These are GREAT!
OMG!!!!I am still laughing! That was SO good. Sometimes when HRH is watching the sports I mute it and pantomine the big thumping our chests guys.
Go, Jen, go!
More coffee!
Wonderful! Now, which one of her parents is it she takes after???
Are you the sports nut, or is it hubby?
this has my nomination/vote for funniest blog post!!
LOL - I'm laughing my head off over here! These are awesome!
Another great post Jen! Funniest blog post nominee indeed.
sigh....it's really tough to compete with cute babies....lol
Fireweedroots, it's Nathan that's watching the baseball. I somehow get stuck watching it too. Ezri seems to enjoy the colours on the screen, even though I try not letting her watch T.V., she manages to move her head in that direction, especially for baseball. She is daddy's girl.
Darcy, I know, babies, dogs and cats. You might have to get a pet, possibly a bunny. Those are pretty cute. lol
AHAHAHA. These are fabulous.
Cute, haha.
Tell Ezri, I mean Nathan, that I'm going to be at the game Friday night.
That totally made coming in to work on a Monday worth while! I admit it - I'm an at work blog reader. :)
Greatest baby pictures ever.
Those are awesome!!!
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