When I was growing up I had but one Auntie and didn't see too much of her. However, I always had woman in my life that I would prefix Aunt in front of. These were people who might not have even been related to me but were still considered aunts to me. Even though our little girl will have more real aunts then I ever did, she will still have some honorary Aunts too. We aren't doing the whole god-parent thing, but there still are people I would like to honor as important figures in Little Girl's life. My friend Julie is one of them. Now what is the roll of an honorary Auntie? Well their job is to spoil and enjoy their nieces and nephews without any of the crappy jobs like changing diapers or having to discipline them.
My good friend Julie from down south is someone that I am still very close with even though we live so far apart. Julie recently went to NYC and the only present she brought back was for Little Girl. She said that she looked into getting some Manolo Blahnik shoes for her, but didn't see any baby sizes. She said if she puts away money in a fund for every year that Little Girl is growing up, she might have enough for a pair by the time she is 20. Tallinn is modeling the gift Auntie Julie bought Little Girl. Julie is also Tallinn's Auntie, so he had no problem helping me out with this photo.
I'm glad it got there so fast!
Tallinn looks so happy! Perhaps he thinks the Onesie belongs to him. I hope you will break it to him gently. Tell him he will always be my #1. Lol
That's awesome. Colby and Joey have their Uncle Adam and Gramma Jeannine, extended family members who teach them bad habits and spoil them rotten. :)
Hunter has a heap of adopted aunties and uncles who spoil him rotten! What lucky kids!
There's a voice that keeps on callin' me...
Down the road is where I'll always be...
Every step I take, I make a new friend...
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