I was sitting in the office yesterday letting my brain wander and the stale hint of coffee hit my nose. I then began to think about how I had never really come across Coffee Mate until I moved north. If it's one thing the people love up here is their coffee and there always seems to be a jar of Coffee Mate not to far away. I would have never stooped so low in my posh days of living in the south to ever think about trying a milk substitute. I would have rather taken it black, but being up north I, at some point opened my mind to trying new things. It was good, not like having a steamed latte (I mean come on!) but it wasn't so bad either. When that scoop of powder coagulated together in my coffee and then settled like a clump of pancake batter waiting to be mixed together, I at least knew that the coffee would stay the same temperature, unlike when using milk.
However if I can use milk over Coffee Mate, normally I would. Until yesterday that is. I Asked myself why do people up here always use powdered creamer? Ask and ye shall receive. Not long after I was having this conversation with myself I sent Nathan to the store to get me some milk. We had run out and as a pregnant lady I do a lot of milk swigging, sometimes straight from the carton. When Nathan returned from the store, I popped off the lid of the delicious 1 L container, momentarily checking the expiry date (because that's a must up north as well), confirming that October 7th was a very reasonable safety zone and then proceeded to guzzle down a mouth full. And then it hit me, like a sour, curdling truck out of hell.... maybe this is why you might want to use Coffee Mate. Milk no good. You might imagine at this point how good a pregnant lady's gag reflex is and we'll leave it at that.
But has anyone ever seen the commercial for Coffee Mate, where this guy is doing his morning routine and you keep thinking he is going to pour some milk into his coffee, but no they have fooled you he put it into his cereal or the cat's dish? Why would you want to waste your Coffee and put something as low as milk in it? Then he ends up putting Coffee Mate into his cup. That commercial is pretty weak, probably like his coffee. I'm sorry but all milk goes in my tummy, don't be wasting it on the cat!
Proof of Life: 55
5 weeks ago
You know a common issue in the north is mothers making baby bottles with coffee mate. Sad, but true. My students at the college thought it was powdered milk.
I LOVE the flavored coffee mate. It makes coffee stay hot longer, which is a necessity when you're a mom. And, as for the commercial it bugs me anyways, because it's a known fact that cats should not drink cow's milk. Hard on their bellies.
I had the same thoughts when I first moved here.
"What the hell is with all the coffeemate????"
I will go for it sometimes, but I've recently just taken to keeping a small carton of cream in the work fridge because it just has that extra creamy taste :)
I stopped drinking Coffee Mate a long long time ago. I was working at Headingly Gaol and the inmates used it to make a pipe bomb. From that point on I decided that anything that could substitute for gun powder would not be a cream substitute for my coffee.
Lol All we ever used in the vet clinic back in Thunder Bay was coffee mate. If you didn't pay your quarters into the coffee fund you were denied the coffee mate! It was like gold! especially the hazelnut flavour, mmmm.
ps> I had a deep southern moment today. I saw my first real live praying mantis! It was so cool! but freaky!
At my last job that is all we had to use. After 9-10 cups you can't tell the difference anymore.
Coffee mate was always good for making the campfire flare up during the telling of ghost stories. Very flammable stuff.
ok Pipe bombs....flammable...maybe I won't be consuming it anymore! But I am so bringing some camping for the fire!
I'm SOOO having a fire so I can try this.
Tina, OK we need photos of your experiment!! :)
We ran out of milk the other night, so we tried frothing it with hot water to make a latte. Wasn't bad.
As long as one can handle all the COLOUR, artificial flavour and GM oils that are in the product, oh and the fact that Nestle is one of the largest unethical giants in the western world............
fill er up, mate
I'm surprised you didn't mention my favourite alternative: coffee cream. It tastes the best and it has all of the drawbacks of milk that you mentioned, but to a lesser extent.
You don't need to use as much of it as if you use milk, so it doesn't cool down your coffee as much. It also lasts a lot longer than milk, so it rarely expires on you.
Coffee cream is the solution. It's better than using milk.
beautifully said!
I thought thought those packets of Coffee Mate were just there in case of a State of Emergency and riots had broken out until I moved north. I didn't think anyone actually used it!
Now, after being north for almost 2 years I can say with confidence that I have a good build up of Coffee Mate chemicals sitting happily in my gut.
When the store does actually have coffee cream (NOT the sick flavoured coffee cream) in I usually have to do a double take before actually grabbing it. Of course it expires 3 days later, but for those 3 days, I drink coffee like a king! (I assume kings use coffee cream exclusively)
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