For all of you who know Nightmare Before Christmas;
Won't they be impressed, I am a genius, see how I transform the old rat into a most delightful hat
Hmm, my compliments from me to you on this your most intriguing hat. Consider though this substitute a bat in place of this old rat. Huh! No, no, no, now that's all wrong this thing will never make a present it's been dead for much too long, try something fresher, something pleasant
try again, don't give up
It's almost Christmas, and my middle name is usually procrastination. Living in Nunavut however has slapped that quality right out of me. You need to plan, plan, plan in the land of mail and delay. Last night I was up until 4am buying stocking stuffers on, I am not going to get into details because Nathan does read this, so shhhh! I have also found a new and FANTASTIC website that I was previously unaware of, American Eagle! This place is unfortunately more Christmas for me then Nathan, but I have still been looking anyway, they have free shipping for over $100 spent.
Nunavut Christmas tips:
Candy Canes ALWAYS break in the mail, just buy them at the store, even if they cost more.
Darkness sucks, decorate your house with 10 thousand Christmas lights, have them on all day.
Is your house dry? Boil water on your stove with cinnamon sticks, cloves and cardamom. You not only put moisture back into the air, but you infuse the air with Christmas smell.
Proof of Life: 55
5 weeks ago
LOL, thanks for the tips! we will be spending christmas up here as well, and leaving a few days later to Winnipeg. How do you get a tree? Or do you hv one of those fake trees? But I dont think we will have much ado about christmas this year, saving every penny for that trip to have the baby.
I never thought of London Drugs! I hate the drive to yellowknife and would just assume do all my shopping online. I wonder if shoppers does the same thing?
We got a faker a the northern. It isn't the same as a real tree, but it's better then nothing. I have the tree lights on all day, it really cheers up the place around this time of year.
Shoppers does not! I even e-mailed them last year and was like hello join the 21st century and all they could do was e-mail me back, sorry we do not at this time currently offer online shopping...duh! Just remember London drugs is not the best shipping and it goes by weight.
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